24(ish) Reasons Why Bookworms Should Jump on the E-Reader Bandwagon

52181007-education-concept-bookshelf-with-books-and-textbooks-in-form-of-heart-i-love-reading-3dAs a self-proclaimed bookworm, I adore the smell, look, and feel of books, bookstores, and libraries. My personal library is constantly growing, and I’ll never truly have enough. With that said, however, I too have jumped on the e-reader bandwagon. In particular, I bought a Kindle and love it.  The appeal lies in three main factors:

  • Access
  • Cost
  • Space

Take a look at my list below ( in no particular order) for further insight!


  1. I have a 55e67c35ac66e7b08e9fd1c8ce0592e7--book-staircase-open-bookconfession to make. There are many classics that I have yet to read, and, to be honest, I’m not sure I will actually ever read these. So I’ve hesitated to buy many; still, I’m always promising myself that any day now I will pick up one so really I need to collect as many as possible. Thankfully, with my Kindle, I can house an entire classics collection!
  2. It allows me to save money because I’ve downloaded books for free and at reduced prices. Story time: I discovered one of my favorite book series by downloading the first one for free. I ended up buying the entire series later on, both in print and on my Kindle (Don’t do that, kids. Be more practical!)
  3. Ebooks are likely cheaper than print books. For example, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child costs $8.99 on a Kindle while a paperback from Barnes and Nobles costs $22.95.
  4.  You can read excerpts of books for free. Let’s say there is a book you want to read but not sure if you want to buy it yet. You can download an excerpt, free of charge. It’ll save you time and money because you won’t have to drive or walk to the library or bookstore.
  5.  I feel like, perhaps on a really small level, I’m contributing to the helping the environment because e-readers help save trees and reduce carbon emissions.
  6. It’s nice to be able to surf the internet, Netflix binge, read, etc. when I’m traveling without packing a extra stuff. You can download all sorts of apps (again, many are free), such as notepad, Chrome, etc.
  7. There’s no wait. Have a craving to start the a book that just came out and its 2 in the morning? No problem!
  8.  In terms of textbooks, it’s really nice to not lug around heavy books. If  you want, you can house all your textbooks in one place. I remember having 10+ books one semester. Man, do I wish I had a Kindle then!
  9. If you’re like me and always on the hunt for a new adventure, you can use your kindle to find the latest and greatest. It uses  your purchases to send recommendations.
  10. As a technology, it feels pretty intuitive to use. I didn’t have to look through a lot of instruction, which is a major bonus.
  11. There are different types of Kindles, so you can find one that better suits your needs.

At the end of the day, an e-reader will never replace a print book, but it’s not supposed to! It’s just another resource for YOU. What you do with it, how you make it work, that’s totally up to you.

What do you think? Comment below!

DISCLAIMER: Images do not belong to me.


One thought on “24(ish) Reasons Why Bookworms Should Jump on the E-Reader Bandwagon”

  1. 1. Yes, I actually already own a kindle (but honestly I never use it) but after reading this article the author has made me want to blow the dust off of it and give it a try. I think the order of reasons could be constructed a little better, like for me having the confession about classic books first isn’t as informative as other things such as reduced prices and access.
    2. Yes I think the post sounds like the person is very passionate about books, which shows through the language and voice used when talking about how the Kindle is a valuable resource for book lovers.
    3. I believe it does because it gives information that is useful in making a decision on the purchase.


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