04 The Luck O’ Fed Hill

This year, the annual celebration of the Irish culture and all of it’s importance fell on the third Saturday in March as people paraded in their greatest shades of green and sported shamrock-shaped accessories all around. Aside from the global hoorah of social drinking & pesky pinching, St. Patrick’s Day is “made up”, as some would say, but nonetheless a legitimate reason to go out on the town, try your luck, and drink for the fun of it.

Nightlife in Baltimore isn’t hard to find as the hometown of the Baltimore Orioles, Ravens, Baltimore city residents, and flood of thousands of students from the 12 neighboring schools take over the streets and alleyways all around.  Those who found themselves on S Charles St, reeking of Irish whisky & shots of cheap vodka, spent their Saturday night looking for “the ole’ pot of gold” behind the bar at the local pubs.


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